funeralxempire wrote:
Extent would be a significant factor.
Liking football wouldn't count.
Making your life revolve around football might, even if it can be concealed as within the normal range.
To some extent if the criteria focuses too much on the interests being eccentric it'll cause 'basic' people with ASD to go overlooked simply because their special interests aren't obscure enough.
Well yes, the eccentricity of the interest itself isn't the only important thing, and I wouldn't want them to ditch the intensity factor. I think it's important to look at both. With football, they're called "fans" which is an abbreviation of "fanatics," reflecting the fact that many footie lovers are pretty obsessional about the sport. Perhaps ironically, a disinterest in sport may be a mild indicator of ASD. I used to see disinterest in sport as an indicator of intelligence, but I've mellowed that view in recent years. I think I was just hitting back at the common view that there's something inferior about people who don't like sport. There are some very cruel jokes about football fans.
My main special interest is music, so I'm somewhat under the radar myself. But if you look closely, you'll see something eccentric about the way I go about pursuing my interest. I get way too technical about it, which is a great source of frustration to me, because although I always set out to pursue the artistic side of music, I end up trying to turn it into an exact science, and I'll work for hours perfecting tiny details that don't really matter.