Twilightprincess wrote:
I don’t like the implication that I should change. Obviously, everyone should grow and improve, but it sort of seems like they are suggesting that the survivor is the problem here. I don’t mean that they actually think that, but it can appear that way.
That's why I call it self-gaslighting.
The premise is that you're supposed to outsmart trauma.
CBT practitioners have lost their marbles.
CPTSD is hardwired.
It's a permanent change of the brain which can't be undone.
Of course we can learn coping strategies but they don't involve cognition.
Blaming our "cognitive behaviour" is a recipe for disaster.
We will always fail if we use CBT.
We already have issues with self-concept, guilt, and shame.
Those are the defining features of CPTSD.
We don't need more proof that we can't do it, or aren't good enough.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.