Graelwyn wrote:
I don't think I could ever be someone with loads of friends as I simply wouldn't be able to be attentive enough to maintain contact with so many.
I feel like that. I know people whom I like: 'potential friends' is probably the best way to describe them, people who I would like to know better if I wasn't AS. But I know from experience that to maintain friendships is difficult for me and the work sometimes seems to come all from the side of the other person, which I think is unfair on them. But to struggle to maintain contact (and surely friendships, like plants, wither from lack of care?) is often too much for me, and the possibility of friendship slides quietly away. Not many people want the type of friendship that I can give which would be sporadic, and probably seen as not much of a friendship at all, although the person may, in fact, mean quite a lot to me.
Graelwyn wrote:
Are you the kind of person who can simply take a friend you make, or leave them... as in, just ...(in which case, one has to ask if you had any friendship type feelings to begin with)
Hmmm, well, I must question this statement. I find friends a bit too much to cope with sometimes, and I guess it could be seen as "turning my back on them and walking away without a care" but it would be an assumption too far! When a friend walk out of my life I wouldn't assume that I knew why they did that, there could be many reasons, and 'not caring' might be just one of them. I guess I'm a little touchy about the subject as I have been on the receiving end of incorrect assumptions and it's a personal
bete noir with me. But I would argue that you can't assume that you know what is going on in someone else's head.