I get words or phrases stuck in my head like other people get songs stuck in their head. Usually from a movie or TV show, but sometimes from conversations I've had or overheard. I also 'play back' old conversations (sometimes over and over) and 'practice' conversations I expect to have. Even mundane stuff like going to the bank or talking to the girl who cuts my hair. Sometimes I mentally echo words I've just said (like if I say, "Hi!" my brain goes, "Hi! Hi! Hi!") or that someone else just said. It can be so loud that I don't hear what they say back, or I can't hear myself think enough to form an appropriate response. I do have difficulties with echolalia out loud, but sometimes it stays inside my head. My friends and family are used to it, where if I say something weird, I can just stop mid-sentence and say, "No." and then try again.
You don't need to hide, my friend, for I am just like you.