Kitty4670 wrote:
My friend gave me this, she think Aspergers people are capable of doing anything like Neurotypical can. Alot of Aspergers people probably can do alot more than other Aspergers people. There are alot of people here that is smarter than me. I also have Cerebral Pasly & Learning Disability, learning disability makes it ALOT harder for me.
I’m wondering if this true what this guy saying. this a question on talent and ASD?
Some people with ASD have a specific talent but must of us have more of a capability to be good at something without having a specific talent.
A specific talent is about a very specific thing. Maybe someone happened to be really good at slapstick.
People like me do no have a specific talent in that way. It's more like we have characteristics thay we can use in order to learn something.
I am analytical in this way: "An analytical person wants to gather and consider information at length before making a big decision. Even in small choices, they will tend to look to the numbers or data for guidance, rather than making an off-the-cuff choice" ... cal-personThis is me, I think, but I am not born with a talent for a specific thing. It's more like a I am analytical and good at perming what I have analysed, eg a tune I learned.
I guess you don't understand me...but this is difficult to explain.