Gammeldans wrote:
Dear_one wrote:
I think the bigdomes call it impulsivity.
I'm not so sure.
I sometimes meet people who seem to have given something very little thought but are not impulsive. It's like they haven't done any preparation before.
Let's say they go to a meeting or an activity but have not given itany thought at all beforehand. They would just be unprepared but not impulsive.
What I am talking about isn't underthinking?
Good point. Some people, like Billy Connolly, can successfully rely on their talent to make up their act on the spot. People in sales may resist preparations, because they react to their audience and learn how to build on their illusions at the moment, and would only be hampered by facts and opinions. Other people just lack the executive ability to plan, and find it a waste of time.
Personally, I enjoy planning more than doing, and like to be able to choose between several plans. Looking at the wide variety in bridge trusses, I get the strong impression that many engineers just do the calculations for whichever arrangement they first dreamed up, without comparing costs to Warren's design. Dozens of less efficient designs are even patented. The Forth bridge, while gorgeous, reminds me of two or three different bridges being built on the same foundations for one track, in hopes of getting one right.