yet another question (please let me know if i'm posting too much or whatever. i'm not used to this)
in the last few months i've had confirmations one after another that i'm most likely on the spectrum. i'm more sure everyday, but i think i'm over thinking my interactions with medical and mental health because
I can't really read their intentions. plus my therapist and psychiatrist seemed to measure my symptoms to the stereotypical ones. i'm high functioning and i feel like they care but sort of lack wanting to help me. they gave me numbers to call but no real encouragement. I'm on a state funded medical program so a diagnosis is not covered. Ive called several places and aside from an evaluation (he said he believes i have autism), I've gotten so many cold, indifferent responses to regional centers aside from stating cost and waiting list.
like a person crawling thirsty for water and the person next a glass of water just points at it "here it is" but doesn't offer any real help. that's why i'm wondering if i'm reading into this wrong. are my drs really trying or not? they seem concerned about my ptsd, depression, anxiety. i'm just so overwhelmed because i see so many drs the last few months and all i want to talk about is autism but i don't because i'm afraid of it being minimized.
I'm trying to used the advice you guys give me. thank you again