Where_am_I wrote:
KitLily wrote:
I am clear and coherent in writing. I'm not in speaking. I can't make myself clear and only think of what to say hours/days/ weeks later. I try to give myself a script when I have to talk on the phone or whatever but I lose interest in it and can't follow it.
I am a person of two halves and it shocks others.
You've just described me (I'm not that clear in writing either...but way better than verbally).
I'm clear verbally for a short while, when my script hasn't ran out! Then I just start quoting American psycho or something and hope for the best.
I think it's what someone said about a spiky profile. Brilliant at some things, hopeless at others. I wish the general public would accept this.
e.g. I'm above average intelligence so I know a lot, but have no idea how things like car engines work. And even how money works. I can't estimate the price of things or even understand how some things have prices, such as train journeys. How does travelling cost money?
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.