autisticalabama24 wrote:
I wanered how having low muscle tone or motor skills problems can affect a persons life , I don't mean someone who is on the extreme sides of the autistic spectrum in low muscle tone or poor motor skills but of course people in the middle so to speak on th spectrum, I temember being terrible at most Sports growing up, Handwriting especially cursive was terrible for me, my teacher called it ' Chicken Scratch' I remember my only job at a grocery store when I was 19 yrs old {Im 42 now} i would mop a floor and my back would really bother m,e where others did it and seemed fine, I was always so tired at the end of the day, that I was fit for nothing when I got home, Were any of these things linked to low muscle tone or fine motor skils problems? I know this was a loaded post, but didnt know how to ask it properly lol any help is appreciated, thanks
I have also always been bad at sports. For some reason my parents made me do little league soccer. I hatted it; and not just because the other kids ruthelessly bullied me. Some of teachers also used to call my handwriting 'chicken scratch'; and that was after years of OT... I have also been told numerous times that I have 'doctor's handwriting'.
I took a weightlifting class in my senior year of HS, but it really didn't seem to make any difference.
I still managed to to fire/EMS. EMS was not an issue, but the fire side was I think maybe a bit too much for me physically. I still managed to do it, but especially with my dysautonomia, it was challenging.