There is a company that only hires people on the spectrum. I would need a diagnosis to apply there. They do consulting in computer work, and have project managers who act as a buffer between the clients and the workers. My personal experience as a computer professional is that i do good work when there is a active and competent project manager keeping track of things like timelines and deliverables while I focus on the tech. Companies tend to fire the project managers to save money and then transfer the project management duties to the engineers. Then things don't go well for me.
If this current job doesn't work out I will try applying there (if my diagnosis comes through). I might even be able to mentor some of the younger professionals.
I am looking to try to hire a "virtual assistant project manager" out of my own salary to support me in my current (new) position, and pay that person out of my own salary. If I can keep my head above water longe enough to find a hire such and person.
I have had mixed results with disclosing my ADHD diagnosis. Some people are prejudiced, and have hidden biases. Some people are well meaning, but have no idea what will help and what will hurt. Also the law says that the company must make accommodations in things that are not "code job duty" and it is the company that gets to decide what is a "core job skill" so if they decide that time management and project management and executive function is a "core job duty" then it is.
ADHD-I(diagnosed) ASD-HF(diagnosed)
RDOS scores - Aspie score 131/200 - neurotypical score 69/200 - very likely Aspie