Varelse wrote:
.....And I'm lucky when they'll tell me how they feel.....
Here's the irony of that for me, when that has happened to me, I am actually grasping part of a problem and giving it my full attention. Solved many problems like that. So, when I am actually trying to be my most helpful, I seem to be the most distant.
I just realized that I got called in for work a few years back earlier than normal because I was the most technically advanced on both the software and hardware. So, I came in, the customer was frantic, the owner was frantic. I just sat down and did my work, didn't talk to the owner, so he left. Got the job done. The customer thanked me for coming because the owner was making her frantic and she was thinking the job would not get done.
Then she left, and I got called into the bosses office and was railed against because I didn't show 'proper concern' by way of not being emotional. I had no idea what to say. Just totally stunned me. Yes, I know he was being an a**hat. But, ya know, I just could not respond at all.
Diagnosed April 14, 2016
ASD Level 1 without intellectual impairments.
RAADS-R -- 213.3
FQ -- 18.7
EQ -- 13
Aspie Quiz -- 186 out of 200
AQ: 42
AQ-10: 8.8