A while back I sent my mom an article of early signs of autism in infants and young children. She took forever to get back to me, but tonight she finally wrote everything down for me.
she wrote down:
-less likely to point at things to indicate needs or share things
-may not respond toname being call but does respond to other sounds
-may show less interest in communicating
-may have good rote memory (bible verses, songs)
-rocks, spins, sways, twirls fingers, etc (mostly with objects)
-likes routine, order, rituals, has difficulty with change or transition to other activities
-may be obsessed with a few unusual activities, doing them repeatedly throughout the day
-plays with parts of toys instead of the whole toy
-may have unusual use of vision or gaxe, looks at an object from unusual angles
-may not keep eye contact
-show less response to parents smile or other facial expressions
-may not look at objects or events a parent is pointing to
-may not point at objects to get parent to look at them
-may not have appropriate facial expressions
she said she wasn't 100% sure about some of them cuz it was a really long time ago, but she said a few of them she's more sure of
He/him or they/them pronouns, please.
ASD level 1 & ADHD-C (professional dx), dyscalcula (self dx), very severe RSD.
Currently in early stages of recovering from autistic burnout.
RAADs: 104 | ASQ: 30 | CAT-Q: 139 | Aspie Quiz: 116/200 (84% probability of being atypical)