Joe90 wrote:
Well usually autistic people here mention clumsiness and poor motor skills as "an ASD thing".
Motor coordination seems to be more of an issue with ASD from cerebellar irregularities.
Research suggests that's one cause of autism but I'm not a doctor so idk.
Joe90 wrote:
It just seems that every symptom of any neurological thing is mentioned as an autism symptom or trait.
ASD is characterised by atypical development in many neurological areas.
It could be under- or over- development (too early, too late, too much, too little)
ASD is brain-based, so the symptoms are going to be neurological.
ASD doesn't match the neurological criteria of other neurological conditions.
(I've had a neurologist for years because of my strokes)
Joe90 wrote:
What are autistic children who can't sleep like vs ADHD children who can't sleep?
I don't know ^ .
I've never looked into the science of ADHD sleep even though I'm ASD / ADHD.
I wasn't diagnosed with either one at the time when I did my sleep studies.
They did say I had very abnormal brain waves in my temporal lobes.
I've been meaning to look for my sleep reports but I have no EF right now.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.