I didn't.
When I was a toddler some woman, a shrink or social worker, told my mother that maybe she should send me to a special school because I might be autisitc, but my mother didn't; she was mad at her for suggesting it and years later said she knew that I could get on just fine in a regular school.
In kindergarten my mother and my teacher talked about putting me in the Giant Steps program, but that never happened.
In grade 9 they invited me to the resource room a lot, but I never got any special schooling or tutoring or anything even though on my assessment it said that I should get extra help in math.
On my IEP at that same school-- well, nobody ever gave me any help, though someone filled in my IEP thing in the objectives section with "to encourage the development of social skills, to encourage asking for help if needed", or something like that. But my mother and I both agreed that I didn't "need" that special treatment, though we both signed the IEP paper so that we wouldn't keep getting it, I guess, or something.
Then at the school where I went to in grade 11... somebody FAXED THE INFORMATION ON ME FROM THE OTHER SCHOOL... just on a whim, about a month after school started, probably consciously doing it. Someone came to the door of my English class, pulled me out, gave me a paper and started explaining that I was the only code 50 in the school... meaning I was the only smart person in the school diagnosed with a pervasive developmental disorder... and that there was this special program to help people like that find work after graduating... I was a bit insulted that they assumed I was unfit to persue higher education, but maybe I should have taken it.
Nah; it doesn't matter now... I have an excellent job coming my way.
Then they had this IEP thing for me there too, where it said I should be able to request a time out and that, but my parents threw it away... and I agreed with them that they didn't understand me at all; I wasn't so severe I needed anything like that.
So now it's your turn!