Fairfield wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Nah didn't really ruin clothes, but I remember when my siblings and cousin got into skateboarding I kind of wanted to do it to but didn't have the coordination or probably motor skills to do it like I can barely stand on one of those without falling off. Now I have an e-scooter though I do not trust electronic travel devices that don't have handlebars...like those hoverboard things with one wheel that you just stand on with nothing to grab onto with your hands.
I wanted to learn to skateboard so bad as a kid, but I can barely ride a bike as an adult so that never was even really attempted. lmao
I also seriously f****d up my ankle a few months ago trying to get off of my little cousins hoverboard thing. I don't trust them now...
well yeah those hoverboards freak me out as there is no way I could properly maneuver that, but I like e scooters as they have handlebars and seem a lot safer than something where your only grip is if you have skate speific shoes that are good for it.
We won't go back.