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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 May 2023, 3:53 pm

I don't feel loneliness, although I'm alone most of the time. I don't feel confidence, or lack thereof either. I don't feel pride, satisfaction, embarrassment, all sorts of stuff… Are there any emotions that you don't feel?

If my screen name doesn't make sense, read it out loud.

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09 May 2023, 4:28 pm

I'm missing all the emotions. I have alexithymia so everything is a blur. There's good blur and bad blur, and sometimes angry outbursts. Fear and anxiety happen but they're so constant there's no specific reason, and I can't use them to shape my decisions. When I cry I seldom know why because I don't feel "sad" in conventional ways. Tears just start falling out of my face and surprise me. Loneliness, no. Longing? I think so. I feel something I call nostalgia since I always want to go back in time. I'm not sure why because I had even more trauma then than I do now.

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09 May 2023, 7:01 pm

No, I think I feel all the emotions.



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09 May 2023, 8:08 pm

I have alexithymia. I don't feel many emotions and I can struggle to identify feelings when I have them (or even knowing if I am feeling something at all). The only emotions I'm comfortable identifying within myself are anger, sadness (which rarely happens and I often don't notice until it's been around for a time), and amused or pleased by something. I generally can know I'm feeling one of those.

I know I have felt other things, but I also detach from emotions when they happen's like they're too intense and my brain goes, nope, we're not doing this, and an off switch gets flipped in my head and I go from intense feeling to nothing just that fast. I can't say what I was feeling during those times unless I revisit the situation that landed me there, but half the time nothing landed me there, so I have to go back and figure out what happened that week or month or whatever... I frequently have a delay response with emotions and it can take up to years for me to figure something out.

But in general, nah, I don't think I've ever felt lonely, embarrassed, proud, none of that stuff.


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09 May 2023, 8:18 pm

I think it was Isabella who first showed me this.


I didn't know half (maybe more) of these were emotions :lol: My ASD report said I have alexthymia and I score highly on all the tests I have done, I can recognise the core emotions sometimes. I also don't get why numb is linked to anger, I thought numb was a lack of emotion :roll:

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09 May 2023, 8:45 pm

Recidivist wrote:
I think it was Isabella who first showed me this.


I didn't know half (maybe more) of these were emotions :lol: My ASD report said I have alexthymia and I score highly on all the tests I have done, I can recognise the core emotions sometimes. I also don't get why numb is linked to anger, I thought numb was a lack of emotion :roll:

Ah, the emotion wheel. Those types of things never helped me connect to emotions, but they did help expand my emotion vocabulary. Those things surprised me. I always figured that people just said things like "I feel frustrated" that it truly felt the same to them as 'anger' but chose frustrated because of the context of what made them feel that way. It blew my mind to discover people actuall feel all these little differences between base emotions.

I don't get why numb is under anger either. Same with withdrawn. For me, numb would be more like calm, but I imagine others would lump it in under the sad range of emotions since those two seem to go hand in hand with depression. I don't get it.


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09 May 2023, 9:39 pm

No, I don't think there are any known emotions that I've not felt. But sometimes I've not realised it till afterwards.


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09 May 2023, 9:53 pm

I have all the emotions in there. It's just that they happen simultaneously and blur together, meaning I seldom experience just one in isolation. Naming or expressing the blur is hopeless. All I can read is good, bad, and devotion so fierce that I'd kill for people I love. Nothing else matters does it?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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09 May 2023, 10:01 pm

FleaOfTheChill wrote:
I don't get why numb is under anger either. Same with withdrawn. For me, numb would be more like calm, but I imagine others would lump it in under the sad range of emotions since those two seem to go hand in hand with depression. I don't get it.

I think numb can go under any emotion - if it is something that is so intense you can't process it at all. I felt numb the day after my car got stolen during the night because they broke in and took the keys. And they also left the back door open and one of my cats wasn't there. I had no idea if they'd taken her or if she'd been frightened off and run so far she didn't know how to get back home, or been killed. I did all the practical things like post on all the FB groups and make flyers and walk all over the neighbourhood looking for her and putting flyers in people's mailboxes and talking to people who were out walking. But inside I felt numb and like a robot being controlled by someone else.

You could probably also feel numb if it is something that would cause you to be really happy, like the birth of your child or your wedding day or something.


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09 May 2023, 10:12 pm

Recidivist wrote:
I think it was Isabella who first showed me this.


I didn't know half (maybe more) of these were emotions :lol: My ASD report said I have alexthymia and I score highly on all the tests I have done, I can recognise the core emotions sometimes. I also don't get why numb is linked to anger, I thought numb was a lack of emotion :roll:

Nah I didn't give you that. I"m pretty sure that was MR's. :lol:

Yours had: Hungry, Tired, Noisy, and Sheep.

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09 May 2023, 10:37 pm

I don't.
I might even have emotions that do not have a name -- that emotion wheel isn't enough.
Sites with foreign words for different emotions that do not have an English equivalent isn't enough.

I can read so many stories, meet so many individuals... And still no one can name it for me.

To a point that even me saying that I'm feeling "nothing" has at least 6 different meanings.

I seem to excel at 'describing emotions' in my head and writing. But not naming it verbally.

On the flip side, I suck at processing, possessing abd carrying it. I 'solve' them instead.

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Snowy Owl
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10 May 2023, 12:27 pm

I seem to be intrinsically missing loneliness and pride, or they're exceedingly rare. These days hope is missing as well.

Tufted Titmouse
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10 May 2023, 6:00 pm

I have alexithymia so I'm sure I'm missing quite a few emotions. The ones I feel are usually too vague to identify. If I feel anything, it is normally good, bad, or angry at some intensity between barely noticeable to overwhelming. Most of the time I feel "fine" but that was not even listed as an option on the emotions wheel.

When I examine the emotion wheel, it looks like a lot of synonyms to me. For any given word, I know what it feels like to me but I cannot differentiate one item from many other items on the emotions wheel. I guess I would agree with others that say emotions are a blur. Loneliness is definitely one emotion that is either missing or extremely attenuated for me.

Blue Jay
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12 May 2023, 10:50 pm

For me, "good" and "bad" emotions can often feel the same, so for example, if I'm feeling an emotion before something really great is about to happen, it feels the same as if I'm stressing over something terrible that is about to happen... sort of tense and overwhelmed and freaked out. I have to stop and analyze what I'm feeling, and say, OK, something good is about to happen, so this is a positive emotion, and is therefore presumably excitement or anticipation or possibly both. I don't know if I'm actually capable of feeling anticipation, though, I don't really understand how it feels different than excitement… It seems like it's just excitement before the fact and then they gave it a different name…?

If my screen name doesn't make sense, read it out loud.

In a rational world, those who act in rational ways would be considered normal, and those who act in irrational ways that they somehow decided were "right" would be the freaks.

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12 May 2023, 11:03 pm

I I have most.emotions.

Though I tend to put them on the shelf so to speak. Usually with intense negative emotions. Like grief. I will set it aside so I can function. other wise I'll go into meltdown mode.



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12 May 2023, 11:32 pm

I feel that I have all of my emotions.

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