sodepressed wrote:
And I don't mean in frats, or such nonsense... although they're weirdly the only thing I can think of that literally does that... I drink only in a crisis, but of course, when the crisis lasts for a whole month, and likely longer... honestly don't know which will kill me faster, the council that threatens my life or alcohol, although I still suppose it's the former, since apparently they want me dead within the next month... so, yay, I guess... some 5L of 40%, and 3 bottles of Baileys, so far... and, honestly, alcohol is still the least interesting drug... but closest in effect are benzos, and unless I take about as much as can be prescribed every month or so in a day it'll be useless, so I guess alcohol is the only thing I have (until I have no other options apart from hanging myself, which the council is clearly so excited about...)
Well, I don't get what all you are talking about, but drinking a s**t ton like you describe would certainly kill you faster than any concil or whatever. Like why the hell are you drinking 3 bottles of Baileys in one night? seems like you should seek help about that. I admit sometimes I probably drink a bit too much, but its like I had a beer too much or maybe a couple shots too much. not like two enitre bottles of liquor too much, if you are drinking 3 bottles of baileys in one sitting then you may want to consider seeking professional help.
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