You're not odd, just different. It is heartwarming to realize that I am not odd, either. I am self-diagnosed autistic. When I mentioned that to my family, one said "there is no such thing", another said "no you're not." New hearing aids help with volume, but not auditory perception. I have always asked people to speak slowly (or say it three times until I understand). I, too, am a copious note taker. Shorthand really helped me in college. Written directions are helpful. Actual maps are even better. I have just finished reading "Thinking in Pictures" by Temple Grandin. She confirmed by her research much of what I had thought - such as hearing comprehension different from each ear. I also have dyslexia, math inability (try taking chemistry quantitative analysis with that! - changed majors), and cannot remember faces/names. A study by Marquette University showed that about 10% of population have this. At a restaurant two weeks ago, I asked the waitress her name - Brenda. At the same restaurant the other day, and was waited on by someone who appeared to be familiar. I asked "are you Brenda?" She was and said she remembered me, too, and the story I told her on an earlier visit. (her kindness earned her a good tip) Still learning.