NeantHumain wrote:
Greentea wrote:
I was very proud of myself today at work, because I really managed to lie through my teeth, feign positive feelings towards an abuser (who is in a powerful position in relation to me) and take revenge in a passive-aggressive way that hurt her but she can't know for sure it was on purpose, so she can't do anything about it.
After being ashamed of myself all my life for being honest and assertive and open about my feelings and respectful of people enough as not to lie to them, now I'm proud of me at last.
How sad, that in the society we live in our self-esteem can only grow the more sh** we become....
Why do you have to feign positive emotions towards this person? Even if she's your boss, there should be no expectation that you'll like her personally.
Wow, I guess you aren't working in a non union job, huh? There isn't an expectation, but there IS a correlation between freindliness and ability. If you hate her guts, and she knows it, you may have to be VERY good. If you and she hit it off, you could probably steal and destroy thousands of dollars of stuff, and hurt the company, and STILL keep your job.