UncleBeer wrote:
No offense intended, but this is so poorly explained as to be indecipherable, and this from a guy who's comfortable with science argot.
Maybe start again, and assume we can't read your mind.
OK. I think it is easier to understand using the samples I posted above. Plot 2,3 and 4 are clear NTs. Plot 5,6 and 7 are Aspies. Plot 1 is "middle of the ground". Thus 6 of the 7 plots can easily be assigned to either Aspie or NT. The important stuff is where the "centre of mass" of the polygone is located. If it is primarily located to the left the person would be NT. If it is primarily located to the right the person would be Aspie.
The scales are "simple". You get a score from 0 to 10 for each trait-group, which happens to be the very same groups that are already part of Aspie-quiz detailed results in the PDF that people get. To make the Aspie-NT dimension clearer the trait groups were groupped with 4 NT groups and 4 Aspie-groups. The NT-group scores are reversed (10 - score) because all scores currently are Aspie-oriented.
I already wrote (in another thread) how I arrived at this specific placement:
I think I've fugured out the optimal placement of the components for Aspie-quiz now.
First, I would have the figure rotated so that the straight line would be horisontal at the top and bottom. I would then devide it into two sections: The Aspie/neurodiversity section (the right side) and the NT section (the left side). Strangely enough, current groups allows the division of the groups into 4 Aspie groups (Aspie talent, Aspie communication, Aspie instinct and perception) and 4 NT groups (NT talent, NT communication, NT social and motor). I'll place talent at the top (which would make this the IQ/ability dimension) and perception + motor at the bottom (which would make this the physical adaptation dimension). The two communication groups would be on opposite sides, with NT social and Aspie instinct adjacent to them.
The scores for the NT groups would be inverted (10 - score) to make these ability-related instead of disability related. I think most people will get close to a circile that would be biased in some direction, for instance to the NT side or the Aspie side, to the ability side or to the perception / motor talent side.