My daughter's friend's grandmother is a widow. She got one of those scam phone calls for income tax money and they said it had to be in Bitcoin. She had to drive to a special bank and get $30,000 Bitcoin transferred to the people. When she found out she was so upset she almost needed to be hospitalised. She managed to get it refunded by the bank on insurance but only because she'd withdrawn the money from her line of credit, which means it was the bank's money and not her own. If she'd used her savings or chequing accounts she'd be screwed.
Someone phoned my mum, and said my son in Australia was in an accident so they needed her to put $5,000 in cash inside a magazine and send it to a post office box to pay for his health insurance under the table. She believed it and started walking to the bank in tears because her car was in the shop. They didn't even know my son's name. They just said "Your grandson". I was getting my Covid vaccine when she called to tell me and I had to practically yell at her to STOP. She didn't believe me without hours of explanation and a phone call to my son.
I got scammed $800 for Tragically Hip tickets on Gordie's last show.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.