TheOutsider wrote:
has anyone ever heard of sensory issues concerning visual stimuli such as random textural patterns? I tend to have unusually negative reactions to random visual patterns and textures and I'm wondering if anyone has ever heard of this before.
Do you see "things" in the random patterns, like faces, objects, etc, or is it "just" a feeling you get when seeing the patterns?
I've at times had VERY strong pareidolia, which is:
"is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none." has been at times when I was otherwise
very stressed out, and may have been in part due to the psych meds I was on at the time. I finally learned that "Atypical anti-psychotics" are
not the meds for me, to put it lightly...