I generally like social sciences, although on an interest scale law would probably be at the bottom... can read about it in moderate quantities, but no way am I diving into precedents, or such... a decade ago I actually made the error of choosing it as one of three subjects at a college, as there were not many other interesting things... soon switched to sociology. Anyway, up comes this year, and... wasn't planning this, mostly I read headlines, but due to the indictments I ended up being curious enough to listen to some podcasts... many hours later and I find myself almost predicting what the next thing to happen is, although it can still be annoying as a lot of the jargon can remain unexplained (lawyers being so used to it, forget they have an audience at times), but then I can look up stuff... surprisingly I don't find this specifically to be boring, legal system of a country I've never been to, but I did a decade ago with local stuff... (of course, it also might have something to do with people here actually being rewarded for being so neglectful thousands died (serial killing doctors chose the wrong profession, clearly), but no system is ideal at all...)
I went from barely knowing 'appellate' is the adjective of 'appeal', to countless hours of podcasts...
I still way more prefer psychology, but I suppose I might have ended up listening due to a combination being present... how flips happen etc.