Djdub1 wrote:
Hey does anyone here feel because of autism they missed out on life social oppotunities to make friends or more money i feel like since i was so isolated when i was real young had firneds then moved to the west side of chicago and going grade till to highschool in the suburbs inever built a strong socal network other then my family and i never travelled got any girlfriends never met new people i feel like i wasted my life my autism just makes locked in my mind i keep feeling what going to happen when my parents will i be able to take care of myself and get my own place iam currently just turned 30 but still have my young mid 20s body.
I feel it's more due to ignorance or discrimination in general. I can't fault autism as much as being different in any of the other ways I am. No matter what, being shut out is really due to ignorance and discrimination by those (usually NT) that can't or won't understand us.
Autism causes very real differences in communication and one's internal sense of self (as you mentioned feeling younger than you are). What is most telling to me is how I (and others) put in all this effort to meet the other (usually NT) usually more than halfway and they don't do the same.
You are not responsible for being shut out of friendship or income opportunities. I hope that you can really get to understand and feel this.