Smelena wrote:
He took it to school one day and another kid threw it on the roof. His friend realized what an emergency it was and ran to the school janitor. The janitor said he would retrieve it the next day. But his friend insisted and insisted to the school janitor went and got it immediately.
This reminds me of the stuffed dog I had as a kid. I treasured it more than anything, possibly even more than my own life. But since I got a taste of bullying at an early age, that dog NEVER went outside my home, under any circumstances, even if my life depended on it. The only place where I felt safe bringing it was my friend's condo in the same building (my family lived in a condo at the time). One time, the preschool I went to has a "bring your favorite toy" day. Needless to say, that dog stayed home. Instead, I came empty-handed, and made up an excuse that it was still wet from being washed. Everybody, including the teacher, fell for it.