Did you ever try to come up with your fictional alter ego you could like... well, live your life through whom in your head? Was this alter ego of yours autistic or neurotypical? Because as for myself, when I was 13, during the summer of 1997, I made up such an alter ego. Her name was Beryl - she was named after Beryl Bainbridge - and was one year older than myself then. Her physical appearance was based on the one of my classmate who was without any doubt, the prettiest girl in the whole school. She was a filthy rich heiress (my Beryl, I mean, not that girl) whose parents died but who was adopted by a rich millionaire - the one from the book "Kaytek the wizard" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaytek_the_Wizard. He was the man whose wife and son died in an accident and his bodyguards kidnapped Kaytek because the rich man wanted to raise his as his own son. The time of the action of this fantasy set in my head was 1930's because Beryl was born in 1918 and shared her birthdate with me - with this ecception she was born many years before me, she could be my grandma. This fantasy existed in my head up until I was about 21 (give or take a year) - all my girlhood. Beryl was beautiful, had a genius level intellect and there was nothing she didn't know or couldn't do. Such a Mary Sue - though back then I didn't know this term yet. She was one crazy party animal, a super neurotypical girl
I had also some such alter egos later on - one of them was a telepathic teenage boy from a desert planet whose culture resembled the one of Asimov's Solaria - but none of those fantasies were as developed and intricated as this very one. Some time ago, maybe last year, I came back to this fantasy again. Beryl in it - many, many centuries later - is the pure consciousness downloaded into a computer
And what about you?