serenity wrote:
I overanalyze everything to death. I have to tease out every detail, before I can come close to making an opinion on something. I also do this process based on probably at least 90% logic only. This in and of itself makes my viewpoint be different then the majority. I am very fact based in my views, so there's not as much emotional influence as most people use.
dosh wrote:
I question everything. As a child I would always ask for an explanation for why my parents wanted me to do something! It was the same at university and in the work-place. I have tried to tone it down somewhat at work as people don't always want to hear my "contrary" opinions!
I'm just like that!
I'm selfish, impatient, &
a little insecure.
I make mistakes, I am
out of control, & at times
hard to handle.
But if you can't handle
me at my worst,
then you sure as hell
don't deserve me
at my best.
-Marilyn Monroe