edal wrote:
Board members should note that I do not live in the USA or the UK, I live in Hungary. Any legal advice is therefore of questionable value as I haven't checked the Hungarian Legal Code on this issue.
Ed Almos
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... i_62140815Quote:
The situation is similar in Hungary. 'Sexuality was taboo in Hungary during socialism,' said Judit Sandor, the head of the gender studies department at the Central European University in Budapest. 'People don't feel comfortable interpreting these problems. And that includes judges, who are generally unfavorable to women.' Very few women in Hungary dare to go public with their reports of harassment, she said, because they fear a backlash from the society.
Your going to have to deal with it with out the goverment.
Interesting Hungary is very progressive in some ways.
http://www.ilga.info/Information/Legal_ ... ungary.htmQuote:
‘HUNGARY RECOGNISES COMMON-LAW GAY MARRIAGE: "Hungary legalized common-law gay marriage May 21 [1996]. Gay couples who live together and have sex will have all the rights of heterosexual spouses—including to inheritance and pensions—but will not be allowed to adopt children. Parliament voted 207-73 in favor of the change, heeding a March 1995 Constitutional Court ruling that mandated legalization of same-sex common-law marriage within one year. The court ruling had been completely unexpected and was not the result of any campaigning by gay groups.
Geza Juhasz of the gay group Rainbow told Reuters: "We welcome the fact that parliament passed this law but I don’t think this proves that most MPs are more enlightened. The law was ... imposed on parliament by the Constitutional Court." (RW/1799)
So do not expect the police to support you if you use force.