My main issue would be related to short term memory, communication and verbal processing, recall speed, adjusting to subtle internal changes, readjusting to any changes (despite being able to emotionally tolerate it and more), and anything related to sensory/emotional dysregulation and/or overwhelm will distract me/make me liable to make mistakes or even strip off my spatial awareness to a degree out of sheer stress/sensory overload along with poor stress management.
And most of it isn't natural nor inherent in my wiring, and it feeds onto my interoceptive hypersensitivities negatively.
Because, frankly, most of these is not "a part of my autism".
And more like a part of my damnable family history and circumstances while I happened to be autistic.
I could wake up one day, all of those issues gone for few hours or up to a week depending on my luck.
It meant there has to be SOMETHING hindering my cognition physically more than simply mentally or emotionally.
I contend with health issues that causes most of these problems.
Somewhere along the line, I might've been deteriorating since pubescent years.
And unable to progress well due to said unresolved issues no matter how much I accomplished before; all that inconsistent performance, all that intent-action discrepancy, all that learning and progress hindering habits and coping mechanisms...
Already had the desire to get rid of dysregulation since elementary.
Not enough awareness of possibilities, knowledge or solution to get out until teenage years.
Unable to rely on willpower anymore to 'cope' with any of it.
Not enough implemented solutions until very recently; for the past 5 or so years of positive and gradual changes.
I likely still have a chance to regain access to a reliable executive function that I couldn't access for very long due to said issues, or a chance to actually learn it as I gradually lose said issues encumbering my system since late childhood.
So far, I'm right about myself related to these issues.
I'm still in my productive years so I might as well attempt to chase for a solution to be the healthiest ND self while playing catch up-coping.