Yes, my ASD friends, we know all too well that in the neurotypical world, "80-90% of communication is non-verbal..."
Or rather, the relative emphases of communication components - not really communication itself (or else we wouldn't need to learn foreign languages).
But I digress.
What's the most outrageous accusation you got from an NT about your body language / non-verbal communication?
I can't recall any in particular, but here are a few:
- Got accused of "not giving a s***" because of my stunned facial expression after she told me of something that bothered her (which was also about my ASD mannerisms, not that she was recently bereaved or something)
- Accused of snubbing a girl who was "in to me" when I didn't get that from her (and she was kinda cute...)
- Accused of being impatient while waiting in line / queue even though I didn't feel that way - must've been bodily tension or an intense look...
I was never accused of smirking at inappropriate times (if anything, I've gotten that more from NTs who didn't take my concerns seriously), nor was I accused of seeming "bored" or "exasperated" with a serious concern or conversation from somebody (although I think this has happened to some Aspies...) and the last time I can recall being accused of deceit was as a teenager (about a decade before my diagnosis) and I'm middle-aged now... so, yeah.
The thing is, since once again it comes back to "80-90% of communication is non-verbal", I'm SURE that some NTs have accused me, through their face, of me being shifty or intentionally doing them a certain narrowing of the eyes to show aggression or skepticism, or signs of anger or contempt that might've revealed that they felt disrespected. Who knows...?