How ignorant are you of normal topics?

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19 Aug 2007, 11:15 pm

Politics: I know next to nothing.
Religion: I've read a LOT of the Bible butr jsut for amusement; I loved the stories, they were all about disasters and they're something I can talk to a lot of people about besides! the proverbs are also great; I'd love to use them on my enemies sometime! :twisted:
Street stuff: I know what most street drugs do, but not every single nickname they have. I know where to find the food banks and missions, but I'm scared to go there. I know the intimate business of many of the dregs of Edmonton, but not most of them. I don't carry a weapon; maybe I should!
The way the system works: I know a lot I need to know about Social Services, and the prison system, and as much as most people know about the justice system, but I really don't know which judge is who, I have no political connections, I don't like history, I
Intellectual stuff-- math, science, philosophy, etc: Science is cool for me, math I could do but it's not that popular a topic and I, like most people, don't find it interesting.
Sex: I have wierd fantasies... I think understanding about this is hardwired into all of us, and we've all taken sex ed. and know all about STDs, but I don't know the names of all the positions or anything like that.
Art: Not really interested, with some exceptions
Current events: I usually never read the paper or watch the news... too bored and impatient! As a result I'm very ignorant... very knowledgeable in some respects, but in most I'm ignorant.
Pop culture: I can identify with a lot of the attention whores in Hollywood, so I'm reading more of that stuff now. I know who's who and all that, but little about what they acted in or sang! I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, I just read Calvin & Hobbes comics and love em, I loved Archie comics, I love disaster movies like The Day After Tomorrow, Hotel Rwanda, United 93, World Trade Centre, Fahrenheit 9/11, Born into Brothels is even great. I like watching the more interesting (disaster-oriented) Dr. Phil shows. :)
History: only about the actual out-there disasters, like the Holocaust. Which are the main things in history anyway, what most peopel talk about when they talk about history. I get bored with the politics of it, though I'm great with the politics of concentration camps themselves!


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19 Aug 2007, 11:20 pm

I wouldn't consider myself ignorant.


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19 Aug 2007, 11:20 pm

I think I can help on some things on your list.


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20 Aug 2007, 6:03 am

OK, using your list:

Politics: I was not really interested at all until an idiot by the name of Jimmy Carter became president of the US. I was in highschool, and I figured his actions would set the stage for people to see the US as a weak has been at best, and have them possibly attack the US and that it could start with the middle east. I was right about EVERYTHING! The next nuclear disaster/war may be DIRECTLY linked to that IDIOT, and he calls BUSH stupid!

Religion: I wasn't very interested, but I DO now know a lot about the three biggest religions.

Street stuff: As you defined it, I am pretty ignorant here. That IS the way I want it.

The way the system works: I know a lot I need to know about Social Services, and the prison system, and more than most people know about the justice system, but I really don't know which judge is who, I have no political connections.

I don't like history: I DO have an ASTOUNDING amount of knowledge on certain types of history though.

Intellectual stuff: math, science, philosophy, etc: Science is cool for me, math I could do but it's not that popular a topic and I, like most people, don't find it interesting.

Sex: WHO could even know all the positions let alone names. Actually, this(sex in general) was one of the first things I studied.

Art: Not really interested, with some exceptions. I see art as art. I don't go with the majority that seem to believe that certain people have the ability to simply CALL garbage art and make it so. Christo should have been fined for littering, and sued and thrown in jail FOR LIFE for MURDER! Did he ever REALLY do anything warranting his being called an artist?

Current events: I rarely read the paper or watch the news... too bored and impatient! As a result I'm ignorant in some respects, but I know most worthwhile stuff.

Pop culture: If it doesn't fit above or with my history, or something I like, forget it.

History: A lot of "history" is WRONG anyway! Still, I know an awful lot of history, it is just not generally what most people think of when they talk about history.

HEY, I know a LOT more about most of the above stuff than most people. In most of the things I am overly ignorant on, most others are more so.

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20 Aug 2007, 8:44 am

In England many pubs have quizzes. The questions are heavily biased towards sports and popular culture rather than encyclopedia type knowledge. A functionally illiterate person who watches the television soaps, follows celebrities, and takes an interest in sports will score higher than somebody who is better educated in more academic type subjects.


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20 Aug 2007, 1:24 pm

Arcona wrote:
In England many pubs have quizzes. The questions are heavily biased towards sports and popular culture rather than encyclopedia type knowledge. A functionally illiterate person who watches the television soaps, follows celebrities, and takes an interest in sports will score higher than somebody who is better educated in more academic type subjects.

I remember that several years ago there was a quiz in Polish TV that consisted in answering questions concerning only popculture - private life of Hollywood stars, famous singers and other celebrities. You know, who married whom, what was the title of someone's film and generally stuff of this kind. When I was in my preteens my mother used to buy several celebrity gossip magazines so I was educated in all those issues. But said quiz at least didn't try to pretend something serious and sophisticated.


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20 Aug 2007, 5:03 pm

Ignorant of normal topics as in academic? :D Ha about as ignorant as you can get in my case... :roll: And even when I'm ok at something academically I'm damn rebellious towards it. :lol:

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20 Aug 2007, 7:15 pm

I know about intellectual topics, politics, religion, sports and pets. I know very little about pop culture.


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21 Aug 2007, 4:11 am

I dunno about that stuff you listed but I am definitely ignorant of football and celebrities! Proud of this fact too!

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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21 Aug 2007, 10:14 am

I know very little about sports, which is unusual for a guy, but then I'm gay so I guess it sometimes comes with the territory, although I know a lot about working out and nutrition...
I also don't get the obssession people have with celebrities. And those weird and highly soporific "reality" shows populated with pseudo-pretty imbeciles getting drunk on camera and behaving in sub human ways are absolutely incomprehensible to me.
Get a life, and not their sad ones.


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27 Aug 2007, 4:52 pm

I’m often pretty self-conscious during conversations of appearing ignorant about things I really should know about. I’ve felt like this for years. I think the internet’s really helped me though – helped me to at least get some idea of how much I don’t know.

On art – I know very little
Literature – Very little beyond who wrote what
Pop culture – I used to know a fair bit, at least about pop music. It used to puzzle me when I first heard about AS and how aspies were generally uninterested in pop culture. Now though, I am almost totally uninterested myself. But I dip in every now and then. My guess is that few people over the age of 18 would look down on you for not knowing who’s number one in the charts or whatever.
Current events and politics – I used to try out a whole range of newspapers. It used to frustrate me how convincing I found almost every opinion piece I read. It felt like I possessed no critical faculties. I rarely buy newspapers anymore; you can get most of the articles online, and most of the stuff out there in the mainstream media I consider to be garbage. So maybe I’ve progressed in that way. But when it comes to current events, I’m more interested in the bigger picture than the details.
History – I started reading up on it after I left university, and I probably learnt more in a year in my spare time than I’d ever learnt at school (which was mostly my fault). I’ve forgotten most of it now. Anyway, I’d recommend a proper map of world history to anyone who’s interested. They’re great for putting things into context.
Sports – I used to be really into soccer statistics. And the athletics world records. Not too bothered about the knowledge aspect anymore, but I sometimes still watch for enjoyment.
Street stuff – Is this really stuff worth knowing? I admit that as a 16 year old aspie with no social life, I was distantly fascinated by various forms of depravity, but I’m not anymore.
Maths, science etc – The sort of thing I wish I’d pursued as a career. I did a couple of science-type degrees, so I know a bit, but not as much as I should.


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27 Aug 2007, 6:27 pm

I know quite a lot or random stuff and enough topical stuff to get by. My NT sister who is an account exec/insurance broker and very successful but is seriously bad with general knowledge and trivia. Just knows her area and celebrity gossip, etc. She has improved a bit; I do make a point of telling her. She has been in close shaves before because of it. She didn't even know the basics of northern/rep. Ireland it is pretty remarkable. She is intelligent, just taken her a while to realise that you need a basic level of general knowledge. Not necessarily a pub quiz winner, but a decent amount. She doesn’t really have the bug to find out things like me.


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27 Aug 2007, 6:34 pm

I know a lot about art, I am of coarse an artist.
I know enough about pop culture to know that it's pure propaganda to dummy down the masses. I prefer underground and non-mainstream.
I know a good deal about politics and current events, though sometimes I might have trouble with wording my opinions in a way others understand (I am very straight forward and blunt, and talk in very simple language, but sometimes with big words).
Same with history, I can also apply history to current events and politics.
I don't particularly care for sports other than martial arts, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, and anything where people compete to beat the doodoo out of one another :P
I know a lot about street stuff, I'm very streetwise and hardened.
I suck at math, I'm good with literature (especially poetry), I know a fair amount about religion (the things that fall into my philosophies), and I've read all the major books from the bible, to the koran, the talmud, to the buddhist scriptures, the hindu vedas, to ancient pagan mythologies.
All in all, I've got a 157 IQ, which (not trying to toot my own horn) technically makes me a genius.


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27 Aug 2007, 6:41 pm

I don't know much about history, politics and sports.

I know quite a bit other than that, however.


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27 Aug 2007, 7:07 pm

I have no interest in politics, so I know little on that.
I know a lot about things that have been special interests, but I am not the kind to read lots of stuff to amass a load of factual information.
I tend to philosophise a lot, but I never engage in intellectual discussions with most because I fear being undermined or made to feel a fool etc. I have little confidence in my intellectual abilities, so most probably think I am just a small talker :P tho in truth, I abhor most smalltalk.

I am diagnosed as a human being.

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27 Aug 2007, 9:11 pm

Well, there are a few things in which I'm completely ignorant, such as sports, popculture and all kinds of social interactions (including love/sex/relationships). About the rest, I'm just too curious. I can't to be ignorant being so curious. I'm able to memorize almost everything I read, my Math skills are fantastic and I read everything I put my hands on (news paper, magazines, books, comics, food packaging). I'm an illustrator, I can sing well enough and, even though I can't read partitur, I can memorize songs and play them on the piano.