Sophist wrote:
EvilKimEvil wrote:
I haven't had any negative DX experiences pertaining to AS directly, but I've experienced a slew of other botched DXs. Would it be off-topic to talk about that?
Feel free.
OK. When I was 5, I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder - Predominantly Inattentive Subtype because I spent a lot of time day dreaming. School was not educational or challenging, so I got lost in my thought. Evidently, being smart enough to be bored in school was considered pathological.
When I was in high school, I was very depressed because of a tumultuous home life. My parents made me see a psychiatrist who was a friend of my father's. When he asked me about my parents, I started crying. He told me to shut up, basically, and then he said, "You can tell me about your family after you've been on Prozac for a week." I didn't fill the prescription, but
I did have to come back a week later. When he asked how the Prozac was working, I said, "I didn't take it." He reacted by saying, "Oh, you must be bipolar. You need lithium," and he spent the whole session lecturing me about the splendor of lithium. I didn't fill that prescription either, and I never went back to that doctor.
I saw another doctor years later who diagnosed me with severe depression. At first, she seemed very professional. Then, when winter arrived, she told me I needed to buy a $200 lamp from her because I had Seasonal Affective Disorder. I asked why she thought I had SAD. Her response was, "A lot of people who suffer from depression also experience SAD and benefit from this lamp." I said, "That's good to know, but in my case, specifically, what is the evidence for the diagnosis?" She actually got angry and was hostile towards me from then on. Of course, I only saw her one more time, if that.