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27 Jun 2011, 12:23 pm

I'll start with my daily routine, I'm just looking for differences.

Wake up: Take off my glow in the dark bracelet and put it on my lamp switch, get out of bed, eat.
Morning: Browse internet and sit outside.
Noon: Eat lunch and do chores.
Afternoon: Finish up chores and browse internet.
Evening: Eat, then browse internet.
Bed Time: Turn on my bedside lamp so my glow in the dark bracelet charges, brush teeth/hair, put pj's on, get in bed, turn off lamp, put glow in the dark bracelet on.

Well, there you have it folks! :)

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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27 Jun 2011, 1:13 pm

Mine can change day to day but this is my usual routine:

Wake up and shower (except Mondays)
Have breakfast
Watch TV and do computer (I eat as I watch TV)
Go for my walk (unless the weather is nasty and cold or if I have no time for it)
Do computer and video games (If I have a game from Gamefly)
Get ready for work and go back to what I was doing
Go to work
Take off my work shirt and back to the computer and watching TV (if I have any shows on TIVO to watch)


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27 Jun 2011, 1:26 pm

I don't really have a routine except for my afternoon tea.

The Family Enigma


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27 Jun 2011, 1:50 pm

Wake up, proceed to hit the snooze on my alarm a minimum of 3 times, take a shower, eat food
Browse internet/play videogames/watch my little sister for awhile/ponder life, the universe, and everything.
rinse and repeat step the last step until bedtime on a normal day
turn on a movie, sleep
Boring life FTW :D


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27 Jun 2011, 2:17 pm

I'm a slave to my routines.

8.00 wake up and lie in bed trying to summon the energy to move
9.30 drag myself out of bed in search of coffee. Then shower and dress
10.30 Jezzer time
11.30 daytime chores from the list in the exact order or the world will end
1.00 lunch and free time for computers or gardening
2.00 study time
3.00 free time for computers or gardening
4.00 study time
5.00 feed the humans and all the animals
6.30 evening chores from a different list to avoid the end of the world.
8.00 swap to late chore list, end of the world and all that. Or more study time if necessary.
10.00 free time
12.00 night nights.


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27 Jun 2011, 2:37 pm

Since I'm on summer vacation, my routine is something like this:

2PM - 3PM: Get up and eat breakfast

3PM - 4PM: Exercise and then take a shower

4PM - 6PM: Browse the internet, mostly WP

6PM - 7PM: Eat lunch and do anything I need to do, like laundry

7PM - 9PM: Go back on the internet and waste time

9PM - 10PM: Put something in the microwave for dinner and chat with my cousin before we play games

10PM - 1AM: Play games online with my cousin

1AM - 4AM: Go eat something, and waste more time browsing the internet or screwing around with my computer while I wait to get tired

4AM - 5AM: Go to bed and try to fall asleep

Although, occasionally, if I have to do something, it's easy to fit it into my schedule here. Today, I had to get up earlier so that I could drive down to the school and get a form signed for dual enrollment. The day before, I spent about 3 hours in the morning (err... I mean early afternoon :oops:) cleaning things up a bit around the house. The day before that, I mowed the yard after I ate lunch.

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27 Jun 2011, 3:54 pm

SammichEater wrote:
Since I'm on summer vacation, my routine is something like this:

2PM - 3PM: Get up and eat breakfast

3PM - 4PM: Exercise and then take a shower

4PM - 6PM: Browse the internet, mostly WP

6PM - 7PM: Eat lunch and do anything I need to do, like laundry

7PM - 9PM: Go back on the internet and waste time

9PM - 10PM: Put something in the microwave for dinner and chat with my cousin before we play games

10PM - 1AM: Play games online with my cousin

1AM - 4AM: Go eat something, and waste more time browsing the internet or screwing around with my computer while I wait to get tired

4AM - 5AM: Go to bed and try to fall asleep

Although, occasionally, if I have to do something, it's easy to fit it into my schedule here. Today, I had to get up earlier so that I could drive down to the school and get a form signed for dual enrollment. The day before, I spent about 3 hours in the morning (err... I mean early afternoon :oops:) cleaning things up a bit around the house. The day before that, I mowed the yard after I ate lunch.

I wish I had a routine as simple as that, only my brain seems to be hard wired to wake up at 8:30 :x

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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27 Jun 2011, 3:59 pm

8 or 9AM: Wake up. Go IMMEDIATELY for some Diet Mountain Dew. 1/2 hour of computer time with infomercials on in the background (as the TV must forever be on Food Network, regardless of what is on). Eat a few bites of breakfast. Take meds.

by 10AM: Maybe a bath, or get dressed.

10:30 AM: Staff comes.

11 AM: Leave for therapeutic swimming class.

12:45 PM: Swimming is over. Do things that need to be done with staff... grocery shop, cook, clean, etc. Eat.

4-5PM: Staff switchover.

5-8PM: Fun time. Library, walk, sew, puzzles, color, read, etc while staff hangs out.

8:30 PM: PM meds, maybe a second bath.

9-10PM: Bed.


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27 Jun 2011, 4:03 pm

7:00 get up, shave, shower, wash hair, brush teeth OR 7:20 get up, shower, brush teeth
8:03 leave for work
9:08 arrive to work
10:00 (approx). breakfast (yes, I'm working)
14:00 (approx.) lunch
18:00 leave for home
(during the day WP or other net whenever I have some free time, and I eat and drink coffee irregularly in between)
19:00 programs or free time, very little house chores (wash clothes, little cleaning)
23:00 bed (well, not always)

commuting by bicycle:
I take shower after I've arrived at my workplace, so I leave earlier at 7:45 and arrive at about 8:35 after 14 miles

Packaging for bicycle tour and public transportation is different, they are two distinct rituals.

Another non-English speaking - DX'd at age 38
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (Hannibal) - Latin for "I'll either find a way or make one."


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27 Jun 2011, 4:17 pm

This is mine most days. It can change based on work and children but I try to keep the same routine.

5:05 am Wake up routine. This consists of eating strawberry mini wheats. Drinking 2 cups of coffee.
5:45 am Get children up. Get there breakfast and dressed for the day.
6:30 am Wake wife up
7:00 am Shower
8:00 Prepare for work if it is a day at the office. If not I spend most of my day reading, watching kids or working at my comic shop.
8:30 Check emails and previous days messages
9:00 I usually write and research articles from 9:00-11:00
11:00 lunch break
Noon I usually have meetings from noon 1:00
1:00 write my report on previous meeting.
2:00 Write my upcoming talks or go into a room to practice my talks.
3:30 Check mail.
4:00 leave office.
4:45 Prepare dinner
5:30 Family Dinner
6:30 Wheel of Fortune
7:00Get kids ready for bed.
8:00 Watch television or read comics
10:00 Go to bed

My wife always laughs at my schedule but she loves it because it keeps the whole family running. Plus she likes that I love to cook so she knows every day dinner will be ready at 5:30 and the kids are ready to go when she comes out of the bed in the morning.


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27 Jun 2011, 4:18 pm

9.30am - get up, wash, get dressed, et cetera
10.15am - get the bus to go to my volunteer job (most days of the week, not all)
10.45am - arrive to where I volunteer, go inside
11.40am - have lunch (still at volunteer job)
1.50pm - walk to bus-station to catch bus
2.05pm - bus leaves bus station, now on my way home
2.45pm - arrive home
3.00pm - go on computer, check MSN, hotmail, and Facebook for any new messages, then check WP for any new replies from my posts written on the previous day
3.30pm - usually have a 20-30-minute nap (to pass the time :D )
4.00pm - back on computer, probably play the Sims 2 or go on Youtube or listen to music or something
5.50pm - eat dinner (have something different almost each day of the week)
6.30pm - usually see my close relatives, or they come to our house
9.00pm - go home/relatives go home
9.15pm - have a bath (most nights)
9.50pm - back on computer - do a quick job search
10.10pm - float around the web again
10.40pm - get into bed and watch a video or DVD
11.50pm - turn off film and go to sleep

(Some of these times vary throughout the days and weeks, depending on little changes.)



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27 Jun 2011, 5:02 pm

edit: accidental premature submission

Last edited by Australien on 27 Jun 2011, 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Jun 2011, 5:10 pm

5:45 wake up to alarm buzzer, leap out of bed like a ninja, turn alarm off
5:48 pee
5:50 rotator cuff stretches with a Theraband (I'm a baseball pitcher and have had a rotator cuff injury in the past), followed by leg muscle stretches with a foam roller to help engage my muscles and take pressure off my knees
5:55-6:05 finish stretching (variance is due to propensity to get distracted by phone, facebook, WP :oops: ) and go to the kitchen for breakfast, and pour approximately 1.5 cups of muesli (I eyeball it, but it's about the same each time)
6:15-6:25 - finish breakfast, go to bathroom, get towel from linen cupboard, arrange shaving brush, soap bowl, razor, aftershave and deodorant in exactly the same layout each day. Turn on bathroom exhaust fan, turn on hot tap, use water to clean glasses before it heats up, when it heats up, run it over razor to kill any bacteria living there, then fill the sink with hot water.

6:30 Start shower, get in.
6:35 Dry self somewhat before exiting shower, exit shower, dry self more extensively, wrap towel around waist
6:37 Start shaving - wet face with (now warm) water from sink, shake water out of brush and swirl it for 20 seconds (count "one one thousand, two one thousand", etc) in the soap bowl, lather up face, shave one pass with the grain, left cheek, right cheek, left jaw, right jaw, left neck, right neck
6:45 Rinse, lather, repeat, this time accross the grain
6:55 Rinse, rise again with cold water, pat dry with towel, pour approximately a 2.5cm diameter circle's worth of aftershave, apply it to face and neck, rinse out razor and brush, put away shaving gear, dry off benchtop and inside of shower, put towel on rack
7:00 Get dressed
7:05 Leave for train station
7:15 Board train, take laptop and headphones out of bag, listen to music on phone, wifi-tether phone to laptop and either browse the web or do some programming (at the moment, some Android stuff)
8:15 Train passes a particular signal that means it is close to my stop, so I shutdown my laptop, while it is shutting down, I turn down the music volume on my phone and stop it, turn off wifi tethering, shut my laptop, unplug the headphones from my phone, roll the headphone cable around the fingers of my left hand three times, then weave the remaining cable in and out of the roll twice per revolution until the cable is rolled up, then I put the laptop and headphones back in my bag, put my phone in my left front pocket, get my jacket from the overhead luggage rack, put it on, get my bag, wait for the train to stop, exit it, and board the next connecting train to my workplace....


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27 Jun 2011, 5:15 pm

I do not have any routines......and even when I do try to set up a routine I have extreme difficulties complying to it so I stopped bothering with it.


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27 Jun 2011, 5:50 pm

7:05am - Main Alarm goes off. Sit up in bed and pet cats
7:10am - backup alarm goes off. Get up, go to bathroom, go downstairs.
7:15am - Make breakfast (coffee, fruit juice, oatmeal or muffin)
7:20am - Take breakfast to living room and watch TV (MSNBC)
7:50am - Go upstairs, go to the bathroom, take a bath, brush teeth, get dressed
8:23am - Clean cats' litter box, water plants
8:30am - Leave for work
8:55am - Arrive at work
9:00am - Read emails, make coffee, read Dilbert, browse the web
9:30am - work
1:00pm - lunch
2:00pm - back from lunch, browse the web for a while
3:00pm - work
6:00pm - leave work
6:30pm - arrive home
6:31pm - Change out of work clothes
6:35pm - Feed cats, microwave dinner
6:40pm - Take dinner to living room and watch TV (previous night's Tivo'd Daily Show)
7:10pm - Watch TV, read a book, play a computer game, or surf the web
11:00pm - go to bed

That is my "base day". Some days I will eat lunch earlier if I go out with coworkers and sometimes I will go play in a poker tournament after work but the rest of time, that is my daily schedule.


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27 Jun 2011, 6:11 pm

Most of my days are pretty much as follows...

Approx 7 am -- Get woken up by toddler in various ways (ie. waking up to cars driving on me, or stickers all over my face)

7-7:30 -- Usually deal with a tantrum or two (usually involving wrestling my son from his urine soaked diaper which he is for some reason unwilling to remove). Make breakfast for him, and sometimes have a bite to eat. Put on a cartoon or movie.

7:30-8:30 or 9:00 -- Watch cartoons, sometimes MSN with my husband, play computer games or video games

9:00 - 11:30 -- Various activities...playing outside in the nice weather, or attending a neighborhood toddler play-group or park.

11:30 -- Lunch

12:00 -- Play with toys, color, listen to music. Sometimes we'll spend the afternoon out walking around, visiting, running errands or going to appointments.

3:00 -- If we are at home, usually relax by doing quiet activities like reading, or doing puzzles and games. If we are out, we will go around this time to pick up my husband at work.

4:30 -- My husband takes over with our son, and I get to relax while they make supper!! ! (I know I'm lucky) Every other day or so I make supper so it's ready when he gets home.

5:00 -- Family time. We usually talk and play together (husband, son and I). Sometimes watch a show or go outside.

5:30 -- Browse the net, WP, play games, chat, read, nap. This is my "alone time" and I can do whatever I want!

7:00 -- Family time. Sometimes we go for ice cream cones, or a drive. Go for a walk or run an errand. On bath nights, I give my son a bath or do chores while my husband bathes him.

8:00 -- Get my son ready for bed...pjs, brush teeth, read stories.

8:30 -- Best time of the night!! Hang out time with my husband!! Play video games, surf the net, watch movies.

11:30 -- Bed.

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Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.
Ralph Waldo Emerson