rdos wrote:
Wolfpup wrote:
If it was related though, wouldn't that mean AS was much more common in people of European decent than other people? (I don't think it is, is it?)
It is.
Okay rdos, I call you out on this. Prove what you say it true with statistics. Don't give me this BS that there is no AS in Africa because there are no African AS websites or organizations. I myself think Asians may be more prone to having AS. Others do to. I can admit that we could be wrong though. Your theory could still be true also. It could be the Neanderthals or related archaic humans were more widespread than you think. Homo Erectus remains have been found throughout Asia. I read this in a blog.
http://www.autismvox.com/autism-ethnici ... /#commentsQuote:
I don't have the stats. yet to back it up however, I don't think there is any getting away from it...there is a vast disproportion of Chinese and maybe Korean kids, among the developmentally disabled population, that are autistic. I saw this coming many years ago.
Informal questions I have asked support this. For example...ask a Chinese caseworker within the California Regional Center system what percentage of her caseload of children are autistic...ask the same question of say someone who has primarily Anglos...ain't no doubt.
I don't know why.
Again...contact some of the regional centers in Southern California that have large Asian populations...they likely can release stats. to you...
It will support what I am seeing and have been seeing for years...Proportionately...there are far more Chinese, Korean and, I think, Vietnamese kids with autism as compared to other ethnic or racial groups...I think you will find the stats. overwhelming.