Where and when did you get diagnosed?

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11 Sep 2007, 1:10 am

I was diagnosed with AS in July 2002 at the Montreal Children's Hospital and "diagnosed" with depression in July 2007 at the University of Alberta Hospital. :)

Here's the U of A hospital:



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11 Sep 2007, 1:24 am

A lot of your images arent working :?

11 Sep 2007, 2:34 am

I was diagnosed at age 12 in 1997 at the OHSU on the hill same as when I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Sorry don't know the name of the building but it was a children's hospital.

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11 Sep 2007, 4:40 am

I was diagnosed on the 22nd August 2007 at the age of 39. I paid privately to see a consultant psychiatrist who is recognised as an authority on adult behavioural conditions. This diagnosis came after a very long journey of soul searching. My life ended on the 22nd and I am trying to pick the pieces up now.


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11 Sep 2007, 5:08 am

I was diagnosed at the University of Texas Mental Sciences Institute in 1996, by my psychiatrist.


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11 Sep 2007, 5:57 am

Im new to wrongplanet though ive been on one all my life. Can someone help me out here, i thought people with Apserger Syndrome were generally of higher inteligence? so why do people insist on adding some BS comment at the end of their reply which makes no sense at all. Is it just me that feels this way?

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11 Sep 2007, 7:28 am

mark007 wrote:
Im new to wrongplanet though ive been on one all my life. Can someone help me out here, i thought people with Apserger Syndrome were generally of higher inteligence? so why do people insist on adding some BS comment at the end of their reply which makes no sense at all. Is it just me that feels this way?

It pleases them.

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11 Sep 2007, 7:42 am

I was led to believe that people with Asperger’s would generally share the same views. As we are different but we are also the same. It kind of gave me hope! Looks like another day where something has pissed on my fire.


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11 Sep 2007, 8:46 am

^Nope, we're all different. I was diagnosed this past January at age 41. I was under the same impression that all aspies would be pretty much alike, but that was my faulty Theory of Mind acting up. :? I think the biggest reason I assumed this was because AS is so prevalent on my mom's side of the family, and we do pretty much all think similarly. When I started posting on WP and attending an adult AS support group, I was completely shocked at how different we all are. The only things we all really have in common seem to be the sensory and communication difficulties. We all have our different personalities, backgrounds, etc. I understand your disappointment - I went through the same stage. But don't let it get you down - hang in there. At least you have validation for your past difficulties in life, and you can start moving forward from here. :)

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11 Sep 2007, 8:53 am

cheers for the reply i kind of worked it out from the comments on wrongplanet but i was still hoping kind of thing.

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11 Sep 2007, 10:13 am

I'm not actually diagnosed, should I ? I just think I might have it.

But, in the oher hand I have a hard time letting someone neurotypical( with all the respects ) the psichologist or pschiatric , claim I have a 'disability', yes almost I could have a 'paper' but it's not hard for you let people think that you admit you're a disable person in someway, and show with this that you really think that all the neurotypical, only for being neurotypical, are better and more capable than you are ? .. And I find really hard that a neurotypical can read my mind and find soemthing wrong cause I think is difficult for a brain to understand other brain, but more difficult is for a neurotypical brain to understand a brain which is basically made from 'different material' ( asperger/autistic) , if the neurotypical have their own neurotypical doctors, why we shouldn't have asperger's or autistics doctors for our asperger's brains also ? ... it seems a plausible think for me

I don't know for all the advantages I could have for getting a paper if I would be able to just put down my pride ( accepting I'm not the average human being but still with rthe right of being considerate with respect and consideration ).. yes that's the word I think, pride .


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11 Sep 2007, 10:50 am

I haven't got a proper diagnosis either, although I have a letter from a psychiatrist stating that I have a developmental disorder of the frontal lobes & some aspects of AS - I'd tell you the exact wording but I'm so disorganised that I can't find the letter!

I was originally seeking a diagnosis of Dyspraxia (although I don't have all the symptoms of that either, since although I am very clumsy with my hands & above the waist I have no problems at all co-ordinating my feet & I can dance perfectly well) but when I described my "stimming" all of a sudden it was "Have you ever considered you might have AS?"

Apparently they need to talk to may parents & get a full history of my childhood for me to gt a proper diagnosis, & my parents think it is all a load of nonsense!

Hence my remaining "in limbo".


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11 Sep 2007, 11:37 am

December 2006 CLASS clinic Cambridge, UK

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11 Sep 2007, 11:52 am

mark007, the random comments at the end of people's posts are called signatures. You set them up when you edit your profile, and they appear automatically at the end of every post you make. Most forums have them and they're mostly used to share quotes or funny comments they've seen on the forum. It's a way to express your personality that appeals to some, kind of like wearing a T-shirt with a picture or words that has a special meaning to you.


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11 Sep 2007, 11:55 am

starlighter wrote:
I'm not actually diagnosed, should I ? I just think I might have it.

But, in the oher hand I have a hard time letting someone neurotypical( with all the respects ) the psichologist or pschiatric , claim I have a 'disability', yes almost I could have a 'paper' but it's not hard for you let people think that you admit you're a disable person in someway, and show with this that you really think that all the neurotypical, only for being neurotypical, are better and more capable than you are ? .. And I find really hard that a neurotypical can read my mind and find soemthing wrong cause I think is difficult for a brain to understand other brain, but more difficult is for a neurotypical brain to understand a brain which is basically made from 'different material' ( asperger/autistic) , if the neurotypical have their own neurotypical doctors, why we shouldn't have asperger's or autistics doctors for our asperger's brains also ? ... it seems a plausible think for me

I don't know for all the advantages I could have for getting a paper if I would be able to just put down my pride ( accepting I'm not the average human being but still with rthe right of being considerate with respect and consideration ).. yes that's the word I think, pride .

not enough of them,there are hardly enough NT autism specialists as it is.

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11 Sep 2007, 12:16 pm

mark007 wrote:
Im new to wrongplanet though ive been on one all my life. Can someone help me out here, i thought people with Apserger Syndrome were generally of higher inteligence? so why do people insist on adding some BS comment at the end of their reply which makes no sense at all. Is it just me that feels this way?
what exactly are you talking about? what bs comment? cool your jets man

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