I was suggested that I had...
Fragile X Syndrom- get tested for that I can think of at least 3 times... all negative
Bi-polar- He said my moods change a lot, even though the dx wasn't confirmed
ADHD- I was very hyper and immature, but didn't fit the whole criteria for it
OCD- Because everything had to be a schedule and done a certian way
ODD- I would always the opposite of any authority figure would tell me
Split Personality Disorder- I would act like a different person one time then the next
Depression- Because I hated life haha..
Now if you look up all those things, autism has sudden mood swings, especially if theres something that upsets me, I'm very immature, and can be hyper, I'm stuck to one schedule, and everything she has to be a certian way, I do have ODD though haha, and Sometimes in a blink of an eye I become extremely angry for no reason, or one minute I act somewhat close to my age, then the next I act like I'm 3, thats not a different personality and fragile x syndrome is because I had all the symptoms of autism and signs of "mental retardation", but wasn't severe and autism wasn't really known by me at all back then, not even severe autism.. Who knows, I'm glad I got a real diagnosis this time haha!