Aurum wrote:
I disagree. As it says in my profile, I don't know but I suspect myself of having AS, but either way, I care a great deal for many people. Two people who I consider to be about my best friends are aspies, but I have many other friends online too, that aren't, that I care a great deal for as well. Although I will admit I tend to get along better with aspies, and feel more understood by them. I would go so far as to say though that there are NTs I love though. Maybe not as much as aspies, but they're there.
yes, aspies can definitely deeply love NTs - what i was referring to was more a matter of easily understanding them, and likewise NTs understanding aspies' thought process (or men and women understanding one another, for that matter). in my view, neurological differences make mutual understanding harder, but do not make love or friendship impossible. they just make it harder to undertand how the other one thinks, and since aspies are a minority, this would make it harder for us to understand the (NT) majority, hence the reputation for lack of empathy.