I havent been on this site in a while and i think it has to do with the fact that i dont think of my self as "autistic" anymore, just a cool guy with some quirks. I went through this phase where i kind of hit a wall and tried to explain why i do things a certain way, but for about 4-5 months now, i hardly try to say to myself, "well, its because im hfa/as" to explain my choices. Its more of, "well this particular situation happened this way and there was nothing else i could of done to make it better", and having that mind set to where i couldnt of done anything else, and the learned experiences because of it far outweigh the fact that something didnt go as i would of preferred. These past few months for me have been great, although its been alot tougher on myself, its also so much more rewarding. I guess what im wondering is, how often do you think of yourself as autistic, and how do you feel about yourself because of it. Im me, the fact that i might be a little bit "aspie" is no longer in my daily thoughts, and i feel much more human and independent because of it.
?The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results. ?