woodsman25 wrote:
Now, i feel so buissy trying to sleep + being on here + work + my social life I try to maintain so I wont become friendless has left me no more time to persue them. After a while, you get used to not having them, but Id love to find time to continue my readings.
Tell me about it. Between walking the dog, working, commuting, cooking, not nearly enough cleaning, laundry, spending time with my wife.. how does an adult find the time? Seriously? I'd
love to get back to obsessively reading on a subject, but on those rare occasions when I might conceivably be able to find the time.. I'm too tired. I need to be able to focus. I haven't had the energy for that for what feels like years, now. When I stop to think about it, it's incredibly frustrating, but them's the breaks, I guess.
As for controlling obsessions... if your obsessions are interfering with your life, then I think you need to control them. For instance, if I was reading something and didn't walk my dog, that would be a problem. She needs walking regardless of whether I'm engrossed in a subject or not. The laundry still needs done. If you can work around your other obligations -
including devoting time to your partner so he doesn't feel neglected - then there's no harm.
"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5
Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows