From wikipedia:
The following characteristics are said to identify Indigo children:
1. From an early age they have a strong feeling of entitlement, often reflected by their behavior.
nope i dont, i don't need others to solve my problems
2. Self-esteem is a big issue; they often decide to stop talking all together when upset or stressed.
i stopped talking for weeks once, so yes
3. They have a connection with authority and understand things that many people never could.
authority means nothing for me, everyone thinks he understand things he thinks many people never can, but i do! (ironic, although its true)
4. Many times they will feel the need to add creativity to their life. (Many are musical)
i'm musical and creative
5. They often see better ways of doing things, and tend to be non-conforming.
yes of course (doesn't think everyone that his way is the better way?)
6. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind or people they can heavily trust.
not antisocial, rather asocial, most people are not worth trusting, besides why would one trust somebody, if you don't want that everyone knows something, dont tell anyone then. Besides that, i can't go along with most people of my age (and according wikipedia most people of my age (i'm 22 now) are indigo: 70% of the 15-25 years old are)
7. They are typically shy and normally always quiet unless something is brought up they disagree on.
yeah, agree
8. Above average IQ, enhanced problem solving skills and hypersensitivity to stimuli
everyone thinks he has an above average IQ although 50% doesn't (mostly the dumber they are the smarter they think they are)
and since i cant see any aura colours (can you see the colour of the pull or shirt when you see these aura colours?) (and if i could see colours, it wouldn't make any difference since i have medium Dyschromatopsia (to use a difficult word for colourblindness ). So i'm not indigo, just a little autistic, or rather i cant categorize myself in some box, i'm nothing but an eccentric loner. But anyway, if the majority of the children nowadays are indigo, i don't want to be one, i reject most of their lifestyle.