Ok, not sure if their were prior posts concerning this, but I recently got back from a trip to my old neghborhood where I lived when I was little. Their were many ppl who even after 16 years recognized me, and told me some pretty bizzar stories about me, stuff i do not recollect. Apparently they said I was very talkative, active and friendly, at least when little. Im sure they noticed now as an adult im a bit more reserved, quiet. Then I saw this video of me when I was 4 in the summer of 1987, it was a back yard party at my parents house and indeed, I was extreamly active. I did not play with the other children tho oddly enough, I was all about socializing with the grownups. They must have thought I was weird cause during the movie I was the loudest one, and yet the smallest, and was running around wildly in all directons, whoever was running the camera kept aim at me while I was running around talking and singing into an invisible microphone, then I would come and make my rounds with the adults...
Anyone have a similar story?
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.