Well, that, and I think a lot of parents just don't want to think something so horrible (in their view, or depending on the severity of the child's autism of course) could happen to their child. They NEED something to blame, and go figure, it is the parents pushing the issue of the vaccinations. It's like they form this opinion, then push it as hard as they can, disregarding what other "experts" have said lead to it.
I must wonder, if it was vaccinations, it just seems there would be more cases of it even, than what there are now. Wouldn't just about EVERYBODY have it if that was the sole cause? It is definitely a big chunk of disgruntled parents needing something to blame, and lacking motivation to find all possibilities of the cause. Instead, they think "vaccinations... autism... talking age..." lol, rather than the overall. But then again, when you read what some of these parents have to say, I'm not all that surprised that they won't bend on their opinion. A lot of them don't even take into consideration whether or not their child is happy, or whether or not the co-morbids can be helped... they just want to gripe about how hard their own life is vs. the child's.
I'm not saying some aren't having it really rough, and would like a definitive cause... it just seems the one that they picked doesn't quite cover all of the bases. There are just too many possibilities as to what could make the numbers rise.
Sorry for the long post...
I'm my own guinea pig.