Today my mother and I were talking on the phone about my problems and about my condition and she told me how much better person i was when i excercised everyday. I was more flexible, more socialable, I was better at small talk, I ate better, I had more energy, I was more calmer, had less anxiety and she was telling me how important it is for people with autism spectrum disorder to excercise 30 minutes a day because it keeps their nerves system calm. But she told me lot of people aren't good with small talk, nor is she because she is shy and whenever there is a small talk, she shuts out not knowing what to talk about and worrying about saying the wrong things. If lot of people have problems with small talk, then why is it part of AS and the spectrum disorder?
I am so confused. I am so sick and tired of things being blamed on our condition when they happen to lot of people too such as problems with small talk. I mean why is it okay for NTs to be bad at small talk and not okay for us because it's added to our condition that small talk is hard for us. It shouldn't be part of AS then or the spectrum if lot of people are bad at it. Even my own brother is bad at it too because he is shy my mom says.