likedcalico wrote:
Whenever you read about AS, does it not always sound like you?
Whenever I read about AS, sometimes it sounds like me, sometimes it doesn't.
I got confused about which type of books did & did not make you feel which ways.
But, yes, I feel "flippy-floppy" back & forth about "is this/that me ?". General symptom descriptions are left open to interpretation, though it's hard for me to draw connection between clinically descriptive dx criteria & my own familiar (non-compartmentalized) personality.
Specific instances of dx'd individuals evoke feelings of both recognition (that's so very much like me') and also a lack thereof ('that's not how I am at all'). Many details of obsessions or sensory hypersensitivities are different than mine, so I keep waiting for there to be story on someone who seems more similar to me.
ASD's are just one of a plethora of diagnoses that are judgment calls (as to whether person meets threshold for label)-"certainty" is especially difficult with cases that are "near the line" between severely, moderately, and mildly "impaired" in multiple areas of functioning.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*