Are we really unhappy...or are we just unhappy because society imposes this belief?
Try and follow here. I used to feel very unhappy at times because I would watch the people around me enjoying social interactions and think, wow, I should be doing that and I just have absolutely no effing clue how. But I wasn't depressed. I wasn't really unhappy most of the time. I found great pleasure in reading my mother's medical books, hanging out with our elderly neighbors and discussing things no other kid would have thought or cared about, and teaching myself how to play the piano. I also had a passion for rollerskating, and I did this about 20 hours a week at bare minimum. Skating was a rather solitary activity, at least for me when trying to learn jumps and spins and so forth.
Now I have a husband and two children, college and my career, and I really don't have time for friends. I don't desire to be socially active on a regular basis (occasionally is great, but my NT friends call me reclusive). Yet, despite my lack of social connections, I consider myself rather happy.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.