atty61 wrote:
I hate this depression. Was chatting to somebody online an hour ago and just burst into tears because I couldn't think of anything to say - again.
I don't seem able to come to terms with this AS. I hate self-pity, yet I seem to just wallow in it. Haven't slept well for weeks. Oh well. I'm sure it will pass.
Wouldn't exactly call you pathetic dude.
I'm sure if Neurotypes had the same problems they'd be just as distraught - simple fact is that, unfortunately, they don't and they don't know what aspergers feels like.
Please don't feel like you're small in this world dude...
It's hellishly tough sometimes.
atm I can't think of any advice particularly but hang on in there bud.
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.