siuan wrote:
People come here seeking answers. For many of us, our entire lives have been a puzzle. When faced with new information, it is pretty normal for anyone to ask the question, "Is this also possibly related?" when it seems different or quirky, as many AS traits can be.
I think you ought to click on the link and re-read what hypochondria actually is. Being curious about a disorder one already has is not hypochondria. People, especially those newly diagnosed, are naturally curious about the scope of their disorders. I think it is a positive dialogue. Further, many of us are just seeking like minds, after years and years of feeling like a fifth wheel.
As for those questions you're knocking, about expressing of emotions, those are quite valid inquiries. Most of us appreciate the discussion, as a wealth of knowledge lies therein.
I would suggest that if those posts bother you, you should simply avoid reading them.
Thanks. That's pretty much exactly what I would have posted if you hadn't.
The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them. -Antoine de Saint Exupéry