gwenevyn wrote:
Joybob wrote:
Ahaseurus2000 wrote:
My Father is a Chartered Accountant. My Grandfather is a Fitter-Turner (engineering). According to the Theories of
Simon Baron-Cohen, Autistic people are more likely to have Parents and Grandparents involved in the fields of maths, engineering, and so forth.
Not to pick a bone with you but isn't that a bit Lamarckian of him? I mean, acquired skills like math and science being transmitted genetically to offspring?
Since when is the natural inclination toward mathematics and hard sciences a learned trait?
There are many, many engineers and mechanically-minded people in my family.
Yeah, I WISH math was just LEARNED. It isn't. And there are different levels of math ability. I would be happy if I had like the 2 highest level consistantly. I know I have the ability for the highest level, as there have been too many cases where I just KNEW the answer. BTW those are levels school doesn't even TRY to teach. The ability to be given say long strings of numbers, and do various operations.
As for science, it is based primarily on curiousity, logic, general knowledge. It DOES have a genetic component, but is more general and probably more common than math.
BTW My father minored in math, from what I understand, and majored in business. My mother is an accountant, and was an English teacher. My first real interest was electronics. Some of the things, that I did, I did by tests. Math formulas would have made it easier, but trying to get details on them was not easy. I was lucky I even knew ohms law.
Yeah, I had much the same problem as your parents, and I guess most on this board, including you. I wasn't able to really get the exposure to what I wanted. I lamented over that even when I was 6-7.
That may ESPECIALLY be bad in some poorer areas where they may not even know that such knowledge exists. It is like a movie here (the beverly hillbillies) where the "boy"(jehtro) was said to have graduated from OXFORD! It turns out it was like IN OXFORD *****ARKANSAS*****! They didn't know there was a REAL university that wouldn't even consider him to be worth their time. And THEY are based on a type of people that apparently really exist in the US!
They are isolated and see no point in learning new things, etc...