Stupid? Blind? Just Ignorant?
I don't know, but MAN! Maybe the autistics are taking over! All of the sudden, I am seeing a lot more.
Well, I just basically told person #3(The first non relative) about my belief that I have AS! What is amazing is how it happened!
A person spoke of how her daughter wasn't doing well. I asked why, and found she had sensory integration issues, and ADHD! Her daughter also loves math. She also spoke of being bullied, bad socially, etc... Anyway, I told her I had the same "problems", and asked if her daughter learned to speak early. She laughed and said she did...
Eventually, she mumbled something about autism, and I said I wondered when that would come up. Her daughter seems smart, has interests, is autistic, etc... She certainly sounds AS to me. Even her mother says you would have to get to know her to suspect. I met her, and she seems nice and relatively normal.
So if I include her daughter, and me, there are at least 4 people here that are autistic. And to think....A few years ago I didn't think I was autistic.
BTW I think she respected, and still respects, me and her daughter.