My daughter has gotten this all throughout school.
Her teachers used to tell us they would barely get a sentence of explanation from most kids, but our girl would give them paragraphs!
(proud papa!
She has learned to scale things back a bit... we'll see how high school is though
Back when I was taking algebra at UAF, my wife tried to help me out with the work... I drove her CRAZY. So much so that she quit helping me.
Her: "All you have to do is just use this formula whenever you get this kind of problem."
Me: "But what I need to know is why this formula works for this equation!"
Her: "Well, I don't know and I can't explain it to you. You don't need to know that, JUST MEMORIZE THE FORMULA! ARRRGGGH!"
Me: {Geez! All I want is to figure out why this equation works for this problem. Why is she so upset about that!?}
I have a problem... 'Just memorizing' ... stuff like this. I know if I understand 'how' it works, then I stand a better chance of remembering it when I need it.
I also have trouble in school with turning in projects too late because I'm always adding too much or finding something new that I think is important and relative so I have to find a way to include it.
Tests, on the other hand, are not the same.
I just hunch over the test and blast my way through it.
I do not stop and 'think' about the answers.
Most of the time I know the material and if it's Multiple Choice, then it's even easier.
I had one class last semester where we took tests in class.
I could always finish the 25-30 questions in, like, 5 or so minutes.
I'd have to sit quietly and wait for everyone else to finish
I finally convinced the teacher that I should probably get up and leave the room until everyone else finished (she asked us not to get up because she thought it was distracting to anyone not done with testing
). It was either that, or have be bouncing around in my chair! 
fides solus
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